Eight independently operated clinics across Somerset are overseen by the same directors who have set the highest clinical standards to ensure complete care for all our clients. Our elite team of highly trained and experienced physiotherapists, sports massage therapists, personal trainers, strength and conditioning coaches as well as a podiatrist provide consistent expertise you can count on.
Trusted, experienced and professional team.
Rest assured, our health professionals and physiotherapists are members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and are recognised by the Health Professions Council. In addition they are members of the Organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice (OCPPP).
Your first appointment.
At your first appointment, your physiotherapist will take a detailed history of your current problem and will then perform a physical examination to determine the cause. The course of your treatment will be discussed with you. Any subsequent appointments will be arranged between you and your physiotherapist. Where possible, this will be at a convenient time for you.
If you cannot attend an appointment, please give 24 - 48 hours’ notice so we can allocate the appointment to another person. If you do not give 24 hours’ notice, then full fees apply.
What should I wear and bring with me to an appointment?
Shorts or a vest, to aid your examination you may need to take off some clothing to allow an accurate assessment, depending on the body part that is being examined. Shorts or a vest top may make you feel more comfortable. Also bring any correspondence relating to your current condition such as clinic appointments or letters/ reports regarding previous treatments.